
Research Methods

Bachelors Degree in Political Science, University of Amsterdam, since September 2019.  Tutor on the 12 week course in both quantitative and qualitative research methods for 2nd year students on the Bachelors programme in Political Science.

International BA – POLITICS, psychology, law AND eCONOMICS

Lecturer on the 8 week Skills and Research Methods in Political Science, University of Amsterdam.  The course covers quantitative methods (linear and logistic regression) and qualitative methods for students who are majoring in Political Science from year two of the degree.

Practice of Politics

With my colleague Sarah de Lange I have designed and delivered (March-June 2021) a new course for third year students on the Bachelors programme in Political Science.  A combination of lectures, guest talks, and placements this course is designed for students who are considering a career in political life, whether in the media, in interest representation, or party politics.  The course will run for a second time from March 2021.


Paying the Price

Paying the Price

Why parties that turn their back on civil society face electoral upheaval My blog on the article I wrote with Sarah de Lange and Wouter van der Brug, published in Party Politics last December, has gone live on the LSE European Politics blog site. In it we argue that...

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Holding onto voters in volatile times

Holding onto voters in volatile times

My first paper with Sarah de Lange https://www.uva.nl/en/profile/l/a/s.l.delange/s.l.delange.html and Wouter van der Brug https://www.uva.nl/en/profile/b/r/w.vanderbrug/w.van-der-brug.html was published online by Party...

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Green Councillors, Labour MPs

Green Councillors, Labour MPs

Nick Martin explains why the best course of action for the Green Party is to give their all to elect councillors who will increase the prospects for climate action in local communities. But at the national level, the vain quest for more MPs should give way to a recognition that the best hope for a decisive change in national direction is the election of Labour government.

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