He was born to play for Spurs …

Sep 20, 2020

For six seasons from 2007 Spurs fans were mesmerized by the speed, strength, and sheer technique of Gareth Bale. We reveled in his surging runs, unstoppable free-kicks and spectacular often match winning late goals.  In his last season Bale scored 21 goals in just 33 league appearances.  Altogether he scored 55 times in 203 outings for the club. To the tune of the Welsh national anthem we chanted that he ‘was born to play for Spurs’.

Then reality came knocking in the form of Real Madrid bringing our hero the prospect of honours and glory at the very highest level – an opportunity he seized winning the Champions League title with Real on no fewer than four occasions. But now courtesy of Real’s rebuilding he is back. Since he left, Spurs first rose under the guidance of Mauricio Pochettino to the heights of the Champions League final and 2nd place in the Premier League, before threatening to embrace once more the mediocrity that so characterized the club at the start of the century.  One player alone will not turn the club’s fortunes around but once more we can dream of the excitement and magic of Bale terrorising defences in England the Spurs way.

Come on you Spurs!


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